Course Syllabus
Bienvenue! Welcome!
Français I
Madame Henry
Email: henry.natacha@newton
Office: (770)784-4995
Help days: Wednesday by appointment
Pet peeves: People who arrive late and those who often ask to go to the restroom.
Hobbies: reading, scrap-booking, gardening, and running
Goals: This year we will work to develop your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French. You will make your first steps toward communicating in French, as well as learn about the cultures of many places in the French-speaking world. You will be expected to speak French in class, which will help you learn the language more quickly.
Topics: Greetings, numbers to 1000, telling time, weather, the calendar, friends and family, the home and common objects, foods and beverages, ordering at a café, common activities, opinions, buildings in a city, sports and games, French cities, French-speaking countries of the world.
Rules: There is one big rule in my class: Everyone deserves to be treated with RESPECT at all times. It begins with treating others the same way you want to be treated. Do you want to be teased, interrupted, laughed at, bullied, yelled at, or made to feel dumb? No. So don’t do those things to other people. Violations of school rules will be dealt with as outlined in the student and parent handbooks. This includes enforcement of the absence and tardy policies. Within the classroom, consequences of rule-breaking can include: change of seating, loss of privileges, student teacher discussion, call to parents, grade penalties, detention, referral to administration, and other appropriate consequences as merited by the situation. (Please review classroom rules and procedures)
Procedures: 1. After the first three weeks of class, you must speak French upon crossing the threshold into the classroom. By that time you will have learned many useful expressions and will no longer need to use English in class. Many informative posters can be found around the room if you need to make a request or find a common vocabulary word.
- Seats are assigned by the teacher and can be changed by her at any time. If you are having trouble with your current seat, tell Mme Henry and you may be moved.
- Every day you must have the necessary supplies with you when you get to class. Students are expected to have a spiral notebook or a 1 ½ -2 inch binder for class. Text books will remain in the classroom. Notebooks are to be used as the students’ resource along with the online textbook when students are completing homework assignments or preparing for exams.
- Homework is due when you walk into class. Projects and homework will not be accepted late.
- Please use the restroom, chat with teachers, and go to your locker between classes. You are responsible for any information and/or materials you miss while you are out of the room. No passes will be issued in the first and last 15 minutes of class.
- You may not use or charge any portable music, game, TV devices or cell phones in class. Those items will remain in your bags on the floor or in the landing zone during the entire class, unless otherwise instructed.
Electronic devices may be used for educational purposes in this course with approval from the administration/teacher.
- Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking. You may not be called on every time you raise your hand, or you may be called on when you didn’t volunteer. This is not because I want to ignore or embarrass you. It’s because we all learn best by participating, and everyone should have as many chances as possible to be actively involved in class.
- Remember that many of life’s problems can be prevented or solved with a little communication. If you are having difficulty in class, please come talk to me. We can usually find a solution. I will be available for additional assistance before and after school as needed by appointment.
A copy of the classroom rules /procedures and the course calendar will be posted in the classroom and online.
- Grading policy:
Assessment of Mastery 35%
(Tests/Performance Tasks)
Working Towards Mastery 30%
(Formative tasks-quizzes/activities)
Activities to support Mastery 25%
(HW/Classwork/Class Participation)
Midterm/Final Exam 10%
Name______________________________ Signature_____________________________________
Name___________________________ Signature_____________________________________
Classroom Rules & Procedures
- Introduction
- Rules and procedures are fundamental in life. We follow rules and procedures in our daily lives for things such as approaching a traffic light, starting a car and driving, and making a letter. There are also rules and procedures in this classroom. These rules and procedures ensure a positive atmosphere in the Classroom. They contribute to a safe and positive learning environment for everyone.
- Procedures for Entering the Classroom
- I expect you to follow these procedures:
- You are not to stand or wait around in the hallway.
- Enter the classroom quietly, place electronic devices, book bags and all other items in the landing zone, and follow the instructions on the board to complete the Warm-Up activity.
- Take your assigned seat
- Work quietly and by yourself
- Wait for further instructions from the teacher
III. If You Are Late
- You are late to class if you are not inside the classroom when the bell rings. If you are late to class you must:
- Report to the tardy booth to obtain a pass to class.
- Please provide your pass as you enter the classroom.
- Take your assigned seat.
- Join the activity in progress. If you don’t know what the class is doing raise your hand until the teacher sees you.
- Continue working (waiting) quietly until I get to your desk.
- If You Are Absent
- It is your responsibility to make-up any assignments or tests in a timely manner when you return from an absence. Follow this procedure:
- Join the activity in progress. If you don’t know what to do, raise your hand and wait until I reach you.
- During the last 5 minutes of class copy the missing activities and Bell work. You may get this information from a responsible classmate.
- If you need to make-up a test or quiz you must make arrangements with the teacher during the last 5 minutes of class. Tests can only be made up before school or during lunch and only if previous arrangements have been made.
- E-mail assignments
If you have access to the Internet at home you may e-mail me at: and ask for missing work. You can also e-mail work if possible.
- Turning in Assignments
The teacher will sometimes collect homework, group-work or individual work. You will turn these in only when the teacher asks for them. Make sure the assignment has your full name, period number and date. This should be on the top margin of your paper.
- Getting Your Attention
- There may be times when I may need to get everyone’s undivided attention so that I may give directions,
explanations, answer group questions, etc. or if the noise level gets too loud. When I need everyone to stop talking and pay attention to me: I will say “Class, your attention please”/ “écoutez s’il vous-plaît”, at that point everyone should stop talking and direct their attention to me.
VII. Procedure for the End of Class and Class Dismissal
Right before the bell rings everyone should: be in assigned seat, be quiet, gather all their materials and wait for the teacher to dismiss the class. (The bell does not dismiss the class.)
VIII. When We Have a Visitor
- When we have someone come into our classroom who is not part of our class (teacher, administrator, student, parent) you are expected to follow the same classroom rules and procedures. You are expected to be polite to the visitor. Do not talk to the visitor unless he/she is talking to you directly. Continue working on your assignment as usual.
- If the visitor needs to speak to me privately, I expect you to remain in your seat without talking until I finish speaking with the visitor.
X . When You Finish Early
- If you finish all of your assigned work early you may a) read independently b) work on an assignment for another class c) write d) draw e) work on extra credit. DO NOT TALK OR DISTURB OTHERS.
- Restroom Policy
- In order to control the amount of traffic leaving my classroom a maximum of 3 people may go to the restroom during any given period. You may go to the restroom only if:
a) you have finished all of your assigned work
b) the class is working on Individual Seat-work (no passes during Teacher or Guest Lecture)
c) you have not abused this privilege in the past
If permission is given to go to the restroom you must provide your own planner and have the teacher sign it.
XII. Classroom Rules
- Classroom Rules are posted in the classroom. The following is a review of what each rule means.
- Be respectful – to the teacher and classmates (You respect the teacher when you do what he/she says, don’t talk back, do not touch her property without permission, and follow all classroom rules and procedures. You respect your classmates when you follow classroom rules and procedures) No swearing, teasing, or name calling (You do not use obscene or vulgar language in the classroom for any reason. You do not make fun of or tease another classmate for any reason.)
- Follow directions - (This means that you do whatever the teacher tells you to do without complaining or
arguing about it. Example: return books, go back to seat, copy from board, stop talking, etc.)
- Be on time - in the classroom when the bell rings (This means I want you in your seat as soon as you come into my classroom and I want you to be on time.)
- Be prepared: This means having your French notebook, pen or pencil and ready to start your work.
- Be productive: When you enter the classroom promptly start on the warm up activity on the board. Complete all assigned tasks in a timely manner and participate in classroom activities. Students are not to groom themselves in the classroom, use/charge cell phones, or sleep in class, disrupt the class with sidebar conversations.
XIII. Consequences
- Everything we do in life has consequences. If you choose to run a red light, you must accept the consequences that come with it (traffic ticket, taking someone’s life, crashing your car, etc.). Consequences are the things that happen to you when you choose not to obey a rule. This is what will happen if you choose to violate one of the classroom rules:
- 1st time: Warning (I will usually look at you or ask to stop.)
- 2nd time: We will contact your parent/guardian and complete a discipline write up.
- 3rd time: We will complete an administrative referral and contact parents.
Note: The 3 steps above are based on the severity of the situation. For example fighting, threatening the teacher/students or using profanity with the teacher will result in immediate administrative referral and call to parent/guardian.
X IV. Tracking Your Behavior
- In order to help you make responsible decisions. I will use a discipline form provided by the school to track your behavior.
Key to Violations
A-Arguing B-Dress Code
F-Food or drink – Eating is not allowed in the classroom, students may have a closed container for drinks.
G-Out of seat I-Inappropriate Comment
L-Loitering M-Making noises/sounds/tapping
N- Name Calling, Swearing, Teasing O-Off task
P-Physical contact, throwing, hitting R-Failure to follow directions
T-Talking V-Vandalizing/Liter
W-MP3 or cell phone Y- Tardy
Rule Violations – Consequences will be enforced.
- Failure to Follow Procedures – See Classroom Rules & Consequences.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |