Course Syllabus

Course Information Welcome to Ms. Webb’s Online 3rd grade Music Class! This class will be taught entirely online and within the classroom. This class will be taught using the learning management system (LMS) Canvas at The group for this class is titled “SSES 3rd Grade Music Class”.
There is no textbook for this class. All resources for this class will be within the group of the LMS. Please use the message system within the LMS to contact me. All messages should be sent between 8 am and 4 pm Monday through Friday. All messages received before 4 pm will be answered that day. All other messages will be answered within 1 day Monday through Friday.
Expected Student Audience The students participating in this class are students in the Newton County School System in Covington, Georgia, USA.
Teacher Communication If you have a more urgent need to contact me than the LMS will support, I can be reached at In addition, my number is 678-372-XX71. I will respond to either of these methods within an hour.
Course Description This course is designed to meet the standards for 3rd grade general music students in Newton County. We will be adhering to the Georgia Performance Standards for general music. The course content will cover notation, music history, rhythm, melody, and form, as well as other concepts.
Learning Outcomes 1. The Learner Will Be Able To (TLWBAT) identify the lines and spaces of the treble clef staff with 90% accuracy.
2. TLWBAT relate historical music composers to their appropriate style of music with 80% accuracy.
3. TLWBAT demonstrate a steady beat with 95% accuracy.
4. TLWBAT identify beat versus rhythm in written notation with 90 % accuracy.
5. TLWBAT read and perform simple rhythms containing quarter note, quarter rest, paired eighth notes, half note, and half rest with 90% accuracy.
6. TLWBAT read and perform simple melodies made within a penta scale on a variety of classroom instruments with 90% accuracy.
7. TLWBAT identify the form in
Topics by Week Week 1: Steady Beat (Due Apr 10)
Week 2: Beat versus Rhythm (Due Apr 17)
Week 3: Rhythm Notation and Performance (Due Apr 24)
Week 4: Melody Notation and Performance (Due May 1)
Expectations of Student Participation The student will be expected to
1. Write a blog entry each week about their understanding of the topic.
2. Participate with at least one post a week in the class discussion of each topic, and one comment to a peer.
3. Complete all assignments for each topic and submit them on time. Students may use notes as a resource.
4. Post video recordings demonstrating performance objectives each week.
5. Participate in all synchronous class meetings.
Student Communication Expectations 1. Conversations will remain on topic.
2. Students will use kind words.
3. Proofread (or have someone proofread) your posts.
4. Be prompt with replies to teachers and classmates. 1 day limit.
5. During synchronous sessions, look, listen, and participate. Make sure to raise your virtual hand.
For more information about proper netiquette, see
Late Work Policy Students are expected to turn work in on time. However, in the case that you are unable to submit work in a timely manner, contact Ms. Webb and discuss options for turning the assignment in late, and what consequences will be applied.
Grading Policy

Students have the ability to earn a 4 on each assignment. The assignments will be graded based on the student’s ability to complete the assignment at the required standard, and how much assistance is needed.
Newton County Schools grading scale for specials classes
4 – Student consistently meets the standard above expectations with
no assistance.
3 – Student consistently meets the standard with no assistance
2 – Student inconsistently meets the standard with minimal assistance
1 – Student does not meet the standard or inconsistently meets the
standard, but only with assistance.


Students can expect work to be graded within one week of submission.

Required Assignments

Each module contains a variety of activities and assessments.  All videos, documents, screencasts, and websites are required.  Optional apps and additional websites will be listed as opportunities for more information and practice.  Discussion forums, quizzes, and other assessments are also required.  Any activity that is optional will be marked with (optional).


Each week students will be assessed on knowledge and performance. Students will be given a written quiz to test knowledge, and students will submit a video performance demonstrating ability.
The following resources will be used for assessment:
- Rubrics for performance videos
- Checklists for blog and discussion posts/comments
- LMS automatic grading of quizzes

Students can complete assignments or submit assessments by following the links provided within each module.  The menu to the left also provides access to each of the activities and assessments.

Academic Honesty Each student is expected to complete all of their work independently unless otherwise noted. Students who receive help, must include in their blog post exactly what assistance they received. Students who are found to have undocumented assistance may
1. Receive a warning
2. Parents notified
3. Have questionable assignments rejected or grades lowered.
4. Failure of the entire course
5. Report student to the Board of Education.
Acceptable Use Policy

This course will follow the Newton County computer and acceptable use policy.
Digital Citizenship
Good digital citizenship is good citizenship. Citizenship is expected whether student activity is in person or online, whether in the hallway or in the LMS. The following rules of citizenship should guide all use of technology and connectivity. Good behavior is expected of all students and staff:

   -  Respect and Protect Yourself
   -  Respect and Protect Others
   -  Respect and Protect Property

Equipment Uses
Students will be expected to be careful when using computer equipment and follow all directions for proper use. Any student who does not use the computer equipment properly or deliberately damages the computer equipment will receive consequences to be determined by each school.

Internet Use
Use of the Internet must be consistent with the educational objectives of the Newton County School District. Should a teacher or administrator determine that a student’s use does not support these educational objectives, access to the Internet may be restricted or denied.

Consequences of Misuse
Students guilty of misusing the school’s technology will receive consequences according to the nature and severity of the misuse. Consequences will be similar to the consequences for violating other school rules and may include being given limited or no access to technology for a specified amount of time.

Signature of Acceptance
Parent and student signature will be required for technology usage throughout the district. Please see your student/parent handbook for acceptance form. Please sign and return to school office

Student Right to Privacy

This course will adhere to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."

   -  Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's
      education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide
      copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for
      parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for
   -  Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records
      which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend
      the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After
      the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible
      student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view
      about the contested information.
   -  Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in
      order to release any information from a student's education record. However, FERPA
      allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or
      under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):

          o School officials with legitimate educational interest;
          o Other schools to which a student is transferring;
          o Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
          o Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
          o Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
          o Accrediting organizations;
          o To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
          o Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
          o State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific
             State law.

Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.

Technology Requirements

To be successful in this course, students need
1. Internet connected computer
2. A backup internet source
3. System assigned login to the LMS.
4. Webcam
5. Computer speakers
If you should have technical difficulties, send me a message by phone immediately. Make sure you have a backup plan in case you have computer problems.


Required Skills

Students need to be able to perform the following technology skills to be successful in this course:

     1.  Basic use of the internet
     2.  Navigate through the LMS (guidance will be provided)
     3.  Make a video using a webcam

Public or Low-Cost options

If you do not have internet access at home, the public library offers a free wi-fi connection, as well as many coffee shops and restaurants.

Please check your computer to see if there is a built in webcam/microphone/speakers before you purchase one.  There is no need to have a separate device.  The built -in option will be more than appropriate. 

All of the  resources used within this class will not require a financial obligation from the students.

Students with Disabilities

 Students with disabilities will be provided the opportunity to learn with all the modifications and accommodations established in their IEP. If you feel you need more support, please contact Ms. Webb with your concerns.

Newton County Schools Special Education Statement

The Special Education Program serves students with disabilities by providing specialized instruction and related services delivered by a staff of professionals and support personnel.
Services are provided to eligible students ages 3 through 21.

Services are available for students with the following disabilities: Speech and language, intellectual, orthopedic, other health impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, specific learning disability, hearing impaired, visually impaired, deaf-blind, emotional and behavioral disorders and significant developmental delay.

Identification procedures include initial screening and further educational and psychological testing to determine if the student meets the State eligibility criteria.
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed for each eligible student. IEP Teams review student strengths and weaknesses and consider factors such as parent concerns, learning style, need for specialized materials and adaptations, communication, fine and gross motor skills, sensory functioning, emotional and behavioral needs and motivation factors. The IEP Team, which includes the student’s parents, develops goals and objectives to address the identified learning needs and recommends services for the student.

Students may be served through a variety of delivery models based on the IEP Team’s recommendations. The IEP Team considers many options when making a recommendation for services for a student. A student's IEP must be delivered as much as is appropriate in an environment that includes non-disabled students.

Personnel in the program for students with disabilities work collaboratively with school staff and with parents to assure that students with disabilities are provided with appropriate learning experiences and opportunities.

Related services such as physical therapy, transportation, occupational therapy and orientation and mobility are available in every school for students whose IEPs recommend these services. The Special Olympics Program provides students with disabilities the opportunity to train and participate in competitive sports and recreational events.

If you feel you have an ADA disability, please notify the instructor so that the appropriate modifications and services can be provided.

Universal Design

This course has been built around Universal Design, providing for the learning of all in multiple learning styles.  The disabilities of students have been considered in the offerings of the course.  If you feel that you need additional support, please notify the instructor.

Online Course Readiness

Clickhere to take an Online Course Readiness Assessment to identify skills you will need for this course.

Course Schedule

Week 1: Steady Beat (Due Apr 10)
     - Complete all videos, screencasts, and assigned websites
     - Complete optional apps and websites if you need extra help
     - Complete discussion forum, peer posts, and quiz before returning to class.
Week 2: Beat versus Rhythm (Due Apr 17)
     - Complete all videos, screencasts, and assigned websites
     - Complete optional apps and websites if you need extra help
     - Complete discussion form, peer posts, quiz, and deliverable before returning to class.
Week 3: Rhythm Notation and Performance (Due Apr 24)
     - Complete all videos, screencasts, and assigned websites
     - Complete optional apps and websites if you need extra help
     - Complete discussion forum, peer posts, and deliverable before returning to class
Week 4: Melody Notation and Performance (Due May 1)
     - Complete all videos, screencasts, and assigned websites
     - COmplete optional apps and websites if extra help is needed
     - Complete discussion forum, peer posts, quiz, and deliverable before returning to class
     - Online Synchronous Session (Optional)



Alignment of Standards

Module Standard
Week 1: Steady Beat
     - Complete all videos, screencasts, and assigned websites
     - Complete optional apps and websites if you need extra help
     - Complete discussion forum, peer posts, and quiz before returning to class.


TLWBAT demonstrate a steady beat with 95% accuracy.

Week 2: Beat versus Rhythm
     - Complete all videos, screencasts, and assigned websites
     - Complete optional apps and websites if you need extra help
     - Complete discussion form, peer posts, quiz, and deliverable before returning to class.
TLWBAT identify beat versus rhythm in written notation with 90 % accuracy.
Week 3: Rhythm Notation and Performance
     - Complete all videos, screencasts, and assigned websites
     - Complete optional apps and websites if you need extra help
     - Complete discussion forum, peer posts, and deliverable before returning to class
TLWBAT read and perform simple melodies made within a penta scale on a variety of classroom instruments with 90% accuracy.
Week 4: Melody Notation and Performance
     - Complete all videos, screencasts, and assigned websites
     - COmplete optional apps and websites if extra help is needed
     - Complete discussion forum, peer posts, quiz, and deliverable before returning to class

The Learner Will Be Able To (TLWBAT) identify the lines and spaces of the treble clef staff with 90% accuracy.

TLWBAT read and perform simple melodies made within a penta scale on a variety of classroom instruments with 90% accuracy.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due